Learn to Glide, our courses

The best way to learn is to take a course – we offer a number of options which can take you all the way to solo. If you join the club after a long course there is a discount on the membership fee, and you can continue your training at club rates, taking advantage of the skills of our instructors to explore cross-country flying, competitions and aerobatics. If you just want to give gliding a try with a single visit to the airfield, take a look at our Gliding Experiences.
If you already fly powered aircraft or microlights then check out our Conversion Training Course.

Click on the image or course description below to see full details for each course.

Our Two Day and Five Day courses are flexible, giving you the choice of how and when you would like to complete your training. You can take them over a fixed two or five day period generally starting on a weekday, a gliding holiday. If you prefer, you can spread your training out within the 3 month course membership period. In the summer we have a course instructor during the week to lead you through the training. At weekends member instructors take over.
We have not yet set start dates for these courses in 2025, and until we do you can agree your preferred start date with us.

You do not need to take a course in order to learn with us. You can join our club as a beginner, or at any level, and we will train you. All instruction is provided free of charge to club members, you just pay for launches and glider hire.