NOTAMS and Airspace
NOTAMs for today – quick links to popular sites and downloads.
Scroll to end of page for downloadable Airspace, RA(T) and NOTAM files.
NOTAMs – on line resources..
UK NOTAMs for the next 7 days updated once per hour. Map can display all NOTAMs. Select the day and max height. Switch filters on and off to quickly view different NOTAM types. Create your own account, but the map works well without registration. Extensive HELP available on this site.
Sky Demon is “paid for” flight planning software with very good NOTAM plotting. This software will also display NOTAMs/RATs with the correct boundary shape. There used to be a free version, SkyDemon Lite, but this has been discontinued.
The Asselect website NOTAM menu item has options to download a .PDF map tailored to XC gliding. The map is available for Today and Tomorrow and only shows the most significant NOTAMs for cross country pilots. This map does not include every NOTAM, for instance items such as cranes, or closed runways, are usually excluded from the Map. ALL NOTAMS are, however, listed in the text. Asselect can also be used to generate airspace files for Flight Computers and PC Flight Analysis software.
AIC – Aeronautical Information Circulars. These documents detail important temporary airspace changes. NOTAMs will often cross refer to a Mauve or Yellow AIC. You can find the original AICs on this NATS website. You will find maps for Restricted Areas Temporary (RATs) in the relevant AIC document.
Rota showing when UK Firing Ranges are active. Mainly used for Otmoor and Barton Stacey. The corresponding NOTAM is generally active (Summer 2024) so assume that the range is active if you haven’t checked.
Not an official NOTAM source, use the website links above for NOTAMs and RAT AICs. However, this free air displays site gives the Red Arrows display schedule and also plots the positioning flight and flypast routes (once they are known) from the NOTAMs. Rarely inaccurate. and updates with last minute changes, but check official sources.
Soaring Pilots Intelligent NOTAM Editor. This free utility/app is great if you regularly review most NOTAMs and will keep your own up to date file with NOTAM changes. You can view NOTAMs once, and remove from future viewing any NOTAMs that will never affect you. For instance, you could exclude all NOTAMs more than 300Kms from Booker and switch off a local night time laser display, you will not see those NOTAMs again. There is also an Android version of SPINE, this can also export data to XCSOAR. Needs some perseverance and familiarity to keep up to date.
Same site as Red Arrows above. Not an official NOTAM source, This site includes a link (on the blue menu bar at the top) to an annual list of all UK airshows. Handy to find out what is going on at a NOTAMed site, just don’t click on the adverts!
Press button to download an airspace (.cub) file. These files have been created using AsSelect and SeeYou as a helpful resource for club members.
You can click the links or the grey buttons save each and/or all of these .cub airspace files to your flight computer and, to reduce clutter, only activate on days when the RA(T) or NOTAM is active.
Important Disclaimer !!! The files below have been created using multiple unofficial on-line resources. These resources are generally reliable, however, errors do occur. You MUST Ensure that these files display airspace in accordance with your requirements and/or the latest published NOTAM or AIC chart.
RA(T)s will usually be displayed with active date shown in the airspace description.
Each .cub file ONLY includes the RA(T), so must be used in addition to your normal airspace files.
RAT(s) IMPORTANT NOTES – This is NOT A COMPREHENSIVE list of Restricted Airspace, Temporary or otherwise. Just a useful facility for club members supporting the more significant RA(T) events. For a comprehensive and definitive list refer to the day’s NOTAMS and the NATS AIS link button above. The RA(T)s will be coded for display in flight computers as Class A airspace.
Files for NOTAMs that regularly occur. The area referred to in these NOTAMs will USUALLY be for the the same location and dimensions each time so AS LONG AS YOU ENSURE NOTHING HAS CHANGED, you can reuse the NOTAM file.. Save each and/or all of these .cub airspace files to your flight computer and, to reduce clutter, only activate on days when the RA(T) or NOTAM is active.