Documents for visitors

On this page we provide links to some documents that first time visitors to Booker Gliding Club may find helpful.

If you have followed a link you may need to scroll down to find the document that you require.
Clicking the big buttons below will open a PDF document in a new browser window..

First Time visitors will find some important safety information in this document along with a map of the airfield layout.

Our Privacy and Cookie (data protection) policy. This document describes our policies for visitors to the club as well as our Club Members.. it covers our website and it’s use of Cookies, our website software and analytics and how your data is used by our office.

Cancellations and No-Shows , You can change your booking on-line but please check this document for limitations..

Child protection policy document. Booker Gliding has Cadet and Junior Membership options. The age limits and acceptance criteria for these schemes are described elsewhere.

After your introductory Gliding Experience , some advice about next steps and what options and offers you have after completing a Trial Lesson or Intro Course.