Trial lesson two flights
Discover the magic of gliding flight, enjoy the local countryside, maybe even soar with red kites. You will fly in a two-seater glider for a trial lesson with a qualified instructor and have the opportunity take the controls and fly the glider yourself – although if you prefer to sit back and enjoy the view that’s fine.
A great taster of the sport of gliding.
This option is for two flights for the same person – see below for details.
Discover the magic of gliding flight, enjoy the local countryside, maybe even soar with red kites. You will fly in a two-seater dual control glider for a trial lesson with a qualified instructor. You will be towed to 2500ft by a tow plane, the instructor will release the tow rope and then give you the opportunity take the controls and fly the glider yourself.
With this option you will be buying two flights, each to 2500ft, both to be taken by the same person on the same day.
Includes one month’s temporary membership, during which you can take extra flights at a reduced rate.
A great taster of the sport of gliding.
View the brochure :- TrialLesson
Important Booking Restrictions
Normal minimum age is 14. There is no upper age limit but please be aware that the participant will need sufficient mobility to climb into and out of a glider.
Due to the configuration of the gliders and controls, minimum height is 5’ (1.5m), maximum 6’3’’ (1.9m). Minimum weight is 7 stone (44kg), maximum 16 stone (102kg).
It is your responsibility to declare any medical or other conditions which would affect your fitness to fly. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
We cannot fly anybody who is under the influence of alcohol. The permissible levels for flying are much more stringent than for driving a car. You will be asked to sign a declaration that you have not drunk alcohol within 8 hours of your flight and have not ‘binged’ in the previous 24 hours.
Validity period
Your Trial Lesson gift voucher/ticket will be valid for one year from date of purchase. Your first flight should be booked and flown within the year.
Please note: The club will only offer refunds within 14 days of purchase.